Forests can be devastated by several invasive bug species. The logging industry helps manage detrimental outbreaks that can cause the demise of a forest. Identifying an infected tree or stand and removing the infection gives other trees an opportunity to flourish without the threat of harmful insect species overcoming them. You will be able to explore the various culprits and their impact on this page.
​Each Source mentioned indicates culling or clearing infected trees and forests to help control bug outbreaks. It is essential to identify newly contaminated areas to isolate and log with the intention of preventing devastation of entire forests. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative along with forest prescriptions are essential to help regulate and minimize devastation all while ethically manicuring the forest.

Spruce Budworm
The Spruce Budworm is a caterpillar that matures into a moth during the summer months. The primary diet that the the Spruce Budworm feasts upon are the new buds of needles from spruce, fir, and pine trees; however, mature needles are not exempt to falling prey to the Spruce Budworm. Tops of trees will start to turn brown and look chewed up once this insect has moved in. More severe impacts attribute to a greater amount to defoliation. Source: Spruce Budworm

Picured are the initial impacts of where Spruce Budworms have begun to impact a forest

Pictured is an example of where the bases of trees are initially being attacked from Spruce Beetles

Pictured is a severely impacted forest, victim of the Spruce Beetle

Spruce Beetle
The Spruce Beetle is a Colorado native invasive bark beetle species. The average life cycle for a Spruce Beetle is two years. Engelmann Spruce and Blue Spruce are the main staples Spruce Beetles ingest. Evident features of infection include boring dust along bark and occasionally pitch tubes. Fallen and wind thrown trees take preference of habitation for Spruce Beetles. Standing trees are initially attacked at the base. By the second year of infestation the entire tree suffers and tree crowns resemble the base with reddish-brown or faded green needles, ultimately falling off and leaving the tree bare. Source:Spruce Beetle

Pictured are some pitch tubes, indicating where some Mountain Pine Beetles reside within a tree

Pictured is a forest that is being overtaken by the Mountain Pine Beetle.

Mountain Pine Beetle
The Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) is a bark beetle native to Colorado. A generation of maturation typically takes one year from egg to adult. Adults activity of relocation takes place between July and August. Choice of habitation for the MPB resides within ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine and limber pine. Larger diameter trees tend to be victimized first. Infested trees have various identifiable traits. Red needles and resin blemishes called "pitch tubes" are the most obvious signs a tree is infested by the Mountain Pine Beetle.
Source: Mountain Pine Beetle